This episode of Black Widow was written, produced, and sound designed by Eric Dizzy Keith is played by Eric Dizzy Jessica is played by Brooklyn Genae Kesha is played by Carmen Bradley Sharde is played by Gabby Black And Devin is played by Dj Boogie Bang We only have a few episodes left so if you would like to help fund the next season then become a monthly patron. You can do so by going to If all of you donated $1-$5 a month, I can get the next season to you all much quicker. That is the goal. If any of you know any writers for any website, send them my way. I want to get this show to as many people as possible! Don’t forget to use #BlackWidowPodcast on any social site where you talk about the show. I want to see your comments! Thank you all so much for the love, enjoy the episode.